How to Keep Your Elevator Protected for Flu Season
November 20, 2024As we continue into flu season, it’s important to keep all elevator riders protected from any potential viruses. From infected buttons, handrails, and even being around other sick passengers, there are many ways to get sick. Several protocols are needed to keep all elevator riders safe for flu season.
Preventive Actions from the CDC
The CDC offers several preventative actions to reduce the risk of seasonal flu.
Avoid Close Contact
Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, make sure to keep your distance from others to prevent others from getting sick. This means avoiding crowded spaces where you might be unable to maintain physical distance.
Wear a Mask when Sick
If you are sick, it would be in the best interest of you and everyone around you to wear a mask. This will help cover your mouth and your nose when you sneeze or cough. The flu is spread by droplets of sick individuals coughing or sneezing, so wearing a mask will help stop the spread. Even if you aren’t sick, wearing a mask during flu season can prevent you from catching any type of sickness.
Clean Hands & Avoid Touching Eyes, Nose, & Mouth
Washing hands is another good way to fight against germs. And you should also avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth because when you touch something contaminated with germs and then touch your face, you could get sick.
The Difference Between Cleaning and Disinfecting
There are vast differences between cleaning and disinfecting. Cleaning requires water and soap or detergent to remove dirt, spots, and stains. This won’t remove viruses, bacteria, or fungi. Disinfecting, however, uses chemicals to kill germs. While it won’t remove potential spots and impurities, it will remove contamination. To disinfect a surface, like an elevator, you will need to clean the surface first.
How to Disinfect an Elevator
When disinfecting an elevator’s wall panels, doors, and handrails it’s important to use soap to clean off any dirt and grime. Use a disposable paper towel or microfiber cloth and a safe disinfectant to wipe these different surfaces. For floors, first vacuum the floor or carpet then use a steam cleaner, safe solution, or non-abrasive, non-corrosive solution.
Use Buckley Elevator’s CleanCab with Activepure Technology
Buckley’s CleanCab with ActivePure Technology uses oxygen and water molecules in the air through ActivePure’s patented honeycomb matrix where powerful oxidizers are created. The system propels these safe and powerful disinfecting molecules back into the elevator car. ActivePure molecules will look for and destroy pathogens in the air and on surfaces. This technology kills viruses like coronavirus, Swine Flu, Avian Bird Flu, and more.
Stay ahead of flu season with the help of Buckley Elevator’s cleaning services.