How to Keep Hydraulic Elevators at Peak Performance
May 20, 2024Hydraulic elevators are the most common elevators to be found in buildings. Instead of using belts or ropes, these kinds of elevators use electronic pumps to push hydraulic fluid into a cylinder which creates a piston that slowly moves the elevator cab. It’s important to maintain your hydraulic elevator to ensure it stays at peak performance.
Operate Routine Inspections
Regardless of what kind of elevator you have, it’s important to have routine inspections so you can catch problems before they become big issues. This can also increase the safety of your passengers. In the long run, having routine inspections can improve efficiency and also decrease costs. At Buckley Elevator, we’ll come and help with routine inspections for your hydraulic elevator.
Getting Oil Replaced & Cleaned Frequently
Periodic oil cleaning and replacement avoids the buildup of metals, contaminants, and oil-oxidation build-up. Monitoring your hydraulic elevators will prolong your elevator’s lifespan and prevent downtime, ensuring elevator reliability.
In regards to hydraulic oil, it’s important to check the levels regularly, keep elevator fluid clean by adding air breather filters and desiccators, and perform regular oil analysis to test the health of the oil.
It’s also vital to clean your elevator in general of germs and possible other maintenance issues. Always make sure you or whoever is cleaning your elevator is reading the product label of cleaning products and your elevator so you don’t run into any dangers.
Keeping Temperature Regulated
In warmer conditions, specifically in summer months, elevators can experience equipment failure, controller failure, relay failure, door operator failure, and motor failures. For instance, elevator machine rooms can deal with extreme swings in temperature which can disastrously affect elevator equipment. This can also cause power usage to be higher, which will burn out your elevator even faster.
To help combat heat-induced power problems, try to invest in a Powervator which helps reduce the possibility of passengers being trapped in a building. With the addition of electronic control valves, you’ll be able to use less energy at a low maintenance cost. It’s most important to keep regulating the temperature of your elevator in the motor room. You should keep the temperature between 45° and 90° Fahrenheit and relative humidity should not exceed 85%. It’s always a good idea to maintain proper ventilation within the elevator shaft while securing all doors and hatches that are exposed to the outdoors.
Test Any New Updates
When your hydraulic elevator is not functioning properly and you need maintenance repairs, it’s important to test those maintenance repairs afterward. In Massachusetts, it’s required to have these routine test inspections anyway.
As hydraulic elevators are rising in popularity, it’s important to have regular maintenance to protect your elevator and all individuals who use it within your building. Whether you need a routine inspection, modernization, or the addition of safety features, Buckley Elevator has got you covered. Call us today!