What to Expect of an Elevator Inspection
July 20, 2023No matter how confident you are in your elevator’s build and safety, a routine inspection is required at least annually. After all, if it is used often, parts can get worn down and might need replacements. On the other hand, if an elevator isn’t used often, there might be issues that have gone unnoticed. Either way, they’re designed to reveal any maintenance issues that could affect the safety of your elevator.
Elevator inspections are critical for making sure your elevator is in perfect working order. This is why certified elevator technicians are sent out to conduct them to the state’s specifications. Here is what you can expect from a routine inspection of your elevator.
Cab Interior Check
There are a few key things that every elevator inspector is going to check on, and it starts with the interior of the elevator cab itself. They’ll make sure that the elevator doors can open and close fully without any obstructions. The inside walls, floor, ceiling, and any handrails will be checked for damage. Broken lights, including those on the control panel, will be checked and replaced if needed. And the emergency phone will be tested to ensure it can connect riders quickly with the local fire department or 911.
Cab Exterior Check
The exterior is just as important to inspect during an elevator inspection as the interior, so naturally, it will be next on the list. Once more doors will be scrutinized closely to ensure they close properly. The lights on every floor will be checked and replaced if necessary. Then the fire alarm system will be tested to ensure emergency services will be alerted.
Top Of the Elevator Car Inspection
While some might think the top of the elevator car counts as the exterior, it features so many important mechanisms in regard to the riders’ safety that most inspectors feel it deserves its own checklist. That’s why they take extra care when checking the cables for any signs of wear or damage. The brake mechanism and brakes are thoroughly tested to ensure a smooth, safe stop. Finally, the emergency exit, such as the ceiling hatch, is checked for any obstructions or tampering so riders can get out if there is an issue.
Examine the Pit
The pit is the very bottom of the elevator shaft, and it’s a section that not a lot of people think about. That’s why it’s important to have routine inspections, as the parts often forgotten about are the areas where issues can occur. The inspector will ensure the pit area can be properly accessed, then check that it has the necessary clearance. Any signs of dirt, debris, and water will be looked for and obstructions removed. After all of that, they’ll locate and make note of any signs of damage on the car frame.
Inspecting the Machine Room
Then you’re done, right? Wrong. The elevator is more than the car and shaft. The machine room is vital to the functionality of the elevator and thus is included in the inspection. Machinery systems’ oil levels and lubrication will be checked, and electrical wiring will be scrutinized for any defects. The rest of the room’s inspection is comparatively simple, as it consists of making sure there is enough headroom for the technicians and that any objects that could block access to equipment are removed.
There you have it! An elevator inspection may sound stressful and concerning, but really, it’s quite straightforward. If you keep up with routine maintenance and repairs, there is little doubt your buildings’ elevators will pass their inspections with flying colors.